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Privacy Policy

1. Overview

Our privacy policy lets you know what happens to any personal data that you give to us, or any that we may collect from or about you. It applies to all products and services, and instances where we collect your personal data.

This privacy policy applies to personal information processed by or on behalf of Pier Creative.

Changes to this privacy notice

We may change this privacy notice from time to time by updating this page in order to reflect changes in the law and/or our privacy practices. We encourage you to check this privacy policy for changes whenever you visit our website –

Pier Creative, Data Protection Officer

We Pier Creative, are the data controller of your personal data.

We have a dedicated data protection officer (“DPO”). You can contact the DPO using the details below or by writing to the above address, marking it for the attention of the DPO or going to the Contact Us section below.


We will adhere to keep up to date with the latest practice and legislations surrounding Data Protection and GDPR

2. What kinds of personal information about you do we process?

Personal information that we’ll process in connection with all of our products and services, if relevant, includes:

  • Personal and contact details, such as title, full name and contact details
  • Products and services, you hold with us, as well as have been interested in and have held previously

3. What is the source of your personal information?

We collect your personal information from discussions with the main contact of your business and at point of sale.

4. What do we use your personal data for?

We use your personal data, including any of the personal data listed in section 2 above, for the following purposes:

  • Assessing a request for a product or service, including providing a detailed proposal for the product or service and upon agreement invoicing for the product or service
  • For contacting you to offer you relevant products and services
  • To comply with legal and regulatory obligations, requirements and guidance

5. What are the legal grounds for us processing your personal information (including sharing it with others)?

We rely on the following legal bases to use your personal data:

1. Where it is needed to provide you with our products or services, such as:

  • Assessing a request for a product or service you hold with us, including considering whether or not to offer you the product, the price, the payment methods available and the conditions
  • Managing products and services you hold with us, or a request for one
  • Updating your records
  • Sharing your personal information with services providers when you request a service or product
  • All stages and activities relevant to managing the product or service including enquiry, application, administration and management of accounts

2. Where it is in our legitimate interests to do so, such as:

  • Managing your products and services relating to updating your records
  • To follow guidance and recommended best practice of government and regulatory bodies
  • For management and audit of our business operations including accounting

3. To comply with our legal obligations

4. With your consent or explicit consent: For offering new products and services

6. When do we share your personal information with other organisations?

We may share information with the following third parties for the purposes listed below:

  • Our service providers

7. How and when can you withdraw your consent?

Where we’re relying upon your consent to process personal data, you can withdraw this at any time by contacting us using the details below.

8. Is your personal information transferred outside the UK or the EEA?

We’re based in the UK and your information will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area.

9. What if your personal information changes?

You should tell us so that we can update our records using the details in the contact us ection of our website. We’ll then update your records if we can.

10. Do you have to provide your personal information to us?

We’re unable to provide you with proposals or any of our products or services if you do not provide certain information to us.

11. How long do we keep your personal information?

Unless we explain otherwise to you, we’ll hold your personal information based on the following criteria:

  • We will retain your personal data for as long as you are a client of ours with one of our products or services
  • For as long as we can provide products or services to you
  • Retention periods in line with legal and regulatory requirements or guidance.

12. Your rights under data protection laws

Here is a list of the rights that all individuals have under data protection laws. In some circumstances they don’t apply. If you wish to use any of them, we’ll explain at that time if they are applicable or not.

  • The right to be informed about using your personal information
  • The right to have your personal information amended
  • The right to object to processing of your personal information
  • The right to restrict processing of your personal information
  • The right to erase your personal information
  • The right to request access to your personal information
  • The right to obtain information about how we process your personal information
  • The right to move, copy or transfer your personal information

You can contact us using the details provided below. You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office which enforces the data protection laws:

13. What should you do if you think there has been a Data Breach?

When you feel a data breach may have taken place, we ask that you contact us immediately using the details below.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, or if you wish to exercise your rights or contact the DPO, you can contact us by going to the contact us section of our website. Alternatively, you can email us at